Jami Fassett
Founder & Brand Strategist
Jami is passionate about using the power of strategic communications to help organizations make a positive transformation. The challenging tasks of how to bring an organization’s secret sauce to light or how to take a complex idea and make it easier to grasp with words and graphics are solidly in her zone of genius.
Her entire career has been focused the nonprofit sector, either working at or with nonprofits since 2002. She founded Up & Up Creative in 2011.
Jami is a volunteer for TYES Colorado and the Jeffco Safe Schools Coalition. Her favorite pastimes are rock climbing, trying a new recipe, running around outside with her young kids, and playing board games with her husband.
Brittany Hass
Design Nut, Project Manager & Proofer Extraordinaire
Brittany loves to use her design skills to help organizations reach and impact the right people, and has been doing so since 2006. An inspired typographer, brand developer, and white space cultivator, Brittany thinks beyond creating beautiful solutions to the strategy that makes them really sing. She also manages projects with professionalism and warmth.
She is a member of AIGA, the professional organization for design; a regular volunteer with Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver; and founded and grew a community group for moms. Also, she passionately loves to tour beautiful homes. In her free time, Brittany rides bikes and makes art with her kids, cooks flavorful international fare, and paints with watercolors.